Mr. Abhishek Banerjee, Mumbai
International Theater Artist and Global Goodwill Ambassador
Rafi is simply the best! Immense knowledge and colossal patience to ingrain that knowledge in the minds of his students in the most practical and usable way is Rafi for you. He employs various creative ways to drive home the concepts with impeccable clarity. Rafi has the head of a devil, heart of an angel and the hands of a magician. Rafi’s workshops are unparalleled. I had initially intended to write a regular testimonial for this gem of a man, but instead, I deem it appropriate to write 5 heartfelt reasons why someone should attend Rafi’s NLP workshops: 1. If you want to start looking at life with a whole different perspective and start appreciating the power of your inherent potential, then Rafi’s workshops are your access to breakthrough. 2. He possesses the knowledge of a scientist, finesse of a performance artist, creativity of a genius and the effortless delivery of a maestro. 3. If you want to witness people getting rid of their dearly held phobias and inhibitions or want to get rid of yours, then Rafi’s workshops are your front row tickets to the same. 4. I am yet to find a question of any participant of his workshop which Rafi might have left unanswered. He is a powerhouse of energy and answers every single question that you might have. (Even the ones that might sound silly in your own head!) 5. If you want to embark on a “no claptrap” personal development endeavor then his workshops are a more than “100% ROI Investment” I am sure that Rafi will touch many more lives through his workshops and I wish him all the best for the same. Respect.

Dr. Ankush Agarwal, Delhi
M.B.B.S, MD (Gold Medalist in Pulmonology)
BEYOND IMAGINATION….! I was stuck in my life and hit rock bottom when I got in touch with Mohammed Rafi’s team. The problems were multiple – right from anxiety to panic attacks to low self-esteem. Had met a few psychologists and psychiatrists before coming to Rafi because the effect of those sessions and medicines were only temporary. Had 1000 questions running in my mind, but I registered for the program after talking multiple times with Achla Bharadwaj, who is also a wonderful trainer with Magic of Change. On the 2nd day of the program there was a moment where I could sense a shift happening within me and this came in as a breath of fresh air and gave me hope. Rafi was with us throughout the 5 days. We sat together, ate together, walked together and laughed together. Rafi never appears as a trainer, rather he is true friend with whom you can pour your heart and he would never judge you. The 3rd, 4th and 5th days were mesmerizing as Rafi weaved his magic spell and the entire group was spell bound to see my 360 Degree turn around. I was like a new born baby – Gingle gingle bells, gingle all way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh. Oh yes, I have never laughed in my life like I laughed in those 5 days….! And it’s been 5 years now and the laughter is still on as I went to complete the 2nd level Master Practitioner and Train the trainer with Rafi.I have been in Covid duty for more than 1.5 years and it’s the skills that I acquired through my learning with Rafi that helped me sail through these rough times. That’s why I truly believe every Medical Doctor must experience the Magic of Change at least once in their lifetime. Believe me, this man has MAGIC in his hands…! So just go ahead and experience the Magic of Change now.

Mrs. Amala Stanley, Mumbai
CEO of 4 Schools in Mumbai and National Award Winning Best Principal
The sign of a good teacher is imparting knowledge to his/her students. And the sign of a great teacher is being able to touch the soul of each student and hold their hands like a mother. Then there is a different breed of Wise teachers who helps you open your inner core. And then there are Masters. There are lots of good teachers in the world. However it’s rare to find great teachers. It’s even more difficult to find wise teachers. And Masters appear once in a century. Rafi is a True Master…!After attending more than 300 training programs in a career spanning 42 years, I believe Rafi deserves to be at the zenith because of his skills, wisdom, compassion and commitment. I am proud to say that He is my Master. After learning with Rafi I believe, any problem is no problem..! Every workshop with Rafi is a journey, as we explore multiple destinations like the human mind, behavior, relationships, money, business and many more. You won’t feel you are in a workshop. It feels like you are in a theater experiencing a symphony or a blockbuster movie. The program touches different parts of human emotions as Rafi makes you experience these without you realizing it. You will experience deep curiosity, heightened awareness, razor sharp focus, meaningful confusion, ROFL (this is both for the new gen and old gen like me), pure love, finally you will be in AWE…! I have repeated Rafi’s NLP Practitioner at least 10 time and no 2 programs are the same. Every time I come back from Rafi’s workshops with a bag full of new learnings and wisdom. This has helped me to transform teachers, staff and students in my institutions. This is an “EXPERIENCE”…! I would urge each and every one of you to go and learn from Mohammed Rafi and his team, especially teachers, parents and principals.

Mr. Brad Bernard, San Francisco, USA
Head of Governance/Chief of Staff at Verizon USA.
Rafi helped and guided me to understand how Vedic sciences & NLP can be relevant to a management and leadership environment, how our own fears and biases prevent us from stepping above conflicts, seeing the simple solutions and ensuring that we are solving our intended problems (instead of just more consequences).The interventions Mohammed did on Fire walking and Iron Rod Bending just blew my mind and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life which helped me overcome my fears. I would highly recommend Mohammed Rafi.

Mr. Jouhar Mohammed, Singapore
Senior HR Manager, Coca-Cola.
While searching for an NLP course, the first talk itself with Rafi gave me a sense that he is talking my inner language, which made me decide to register for the course. Rafi's great training style with full of fun and energy made the spirit of the sessions sky high. It was an amazing and a life changing experience. Rafi's simplicity, rapport building capability and the training approach made me a huge fan of him. The peculiarity of his training aspects and great bonding between participants and trainer were impressive. I could witness tremendous results with a couple of NLP techniques, especially provocative love, which was something that amazed me. Another impressive thing is that his training is not limited to a class room training, but a full experiential learning through various NLP techniques and activities customized with ancient wisdom. Each and every training venue he selects shows the importance of the bonding of the people with the nature and helps the participants to bring out their best. His training gives an emphasis that every individual has something to do with their own surroundings or locality where he belongs to; and NLP is the right way to answer many questions that arises out of such individual's subjective life experiences.

Mrs. Kanchan Marwah Chadha, New Delhi
Senior Training Manager, Fortune 500 MNC
“Rafi”…this name, I can never forget since you have become a Guru…an advisor…a Friend for life. You said in your program that I’m quite an internally referenced person…Yes I am but I’m glad to know that I have a Master like you who can guide me better than even myself.Initially I was quite calculative and apprehensive if I should join your program but after the five days….Sorry five wonderfully, beautifully amazing days that I spend with you in a superbly interesting and captivating “secret location” in Delhi, I can certainly say if anyone wants to do NLP…there is no person better than you who can do this.BECAUSE I’m certainly not talking about the content as it’s much available online, in books and with other trainers/organizations…I’m talking about the EXPERIENCE that anyone can get with you is no less that purifying your complete thought system.I consider myself quite a highly positive person who’s strong enough to face any situation in life with courage and dignity however in your program, I melt down by third day and felt too weak, and that’s where I became more stronger. I felt that the unconscious conflict and fears which were actually deep down, suddenly came up and left me like a ________ (no words to explain what I felt like) I came for your program with a thought of gathering knowledge and enhancing my skills as a trainer however it transformed me completely. Thanks Rafi(Every little cell in my body is Happpy….Every little cell in my body is Fine.. Thank you Rafi for coming in my life…Thank you Rafi for guiding me so nice) Give my love and regards to Sareena and Yuthika..Thanks a lot master…

Miss Kristine Zedek, Mumbai
National Award Winning Emcee & Model
Wow, “Magic of Change”. The name itself speaks volumes for the work that Rafi and his team does. This man is truly Magical and the energy and warmth he radiates will naturally bring the shift within you. And that’s why there can’t be a better name than Magic of Change. One has to shed all their inhibitions to reap the best from this program. I have been learning with Rafi for more than 2.5 years and have attended multiple programs which has helped me transform fully as a professional and as an individual.Oh, yes…! How can I forget Rafi’s sense of humor. He makes you laugh and through that process he initiates a deep healing within you without you realizing that you are changing. And I have not seen this ability in any other trainer in my entire career. If you want to invest in a program that will take your life to the next level, just go to Magic of Change. It’s worth every penny…!

Miss. Priyanka Sawhney, Delhi
Recruitment Specialist, GOOGLE.
Dearest Rafi,Happy Diwali to the little one, your lovely wife and my best friend :) It’s just been 10 days since the training but feels like a long time has passed by... I notice immense positive changes in myself from the time I have met you... Some major instances that made me feel the change... My back pain I have been facing for last 2 years is completely gone and it feels like magic.I do not have to make too much effort to be confident in my meetings, now I am able to do it effortlessly...The meeting with the chairman got pushed to Monday but this week I met the police commissioner of Gurgaon, ACP Gurgaon and 2 old contacts for giving diwali gifts. During the discussions with them, I found myself more positive and was able to understand their body language better. Now I know how to proceed with these contacts in an effective manner for work.Rafi, thanks to the changes you have brought inside me, I dont get affected by things so much now.......I realize today that my body/my mind and my health and my career are all mine...all that are in my hands...I need people in my life who love and care for me but at the same time I will not make them my circle of life...I don't care if I am called selfish but I will follow my dreams/things that I wanna do and have been wanting to do for a long time...my life is beautiful and I will live it one day at a time today!!Rafi, you bring a new meaning to NLP as a training. It truly becomes a New Life Program after you attend an NLP training with Rafi. He doesn't only tell you to "be confident". He gives you the mental techniques you need to actually do "being confident", or "being calm" or "being relaxed" or "being charming."Rafi teaches concepts and ensures that you practice them in depth and are able to apply them with ease in your life. His style of teaching is very different and doesn’t make you feel that you are in a training program...it feels like a retreat where you are introspecting your life and actions.I would strongly recommend all professionals to attend Rafi's workshop who have been unable to deliver excellence in work, personal goals and struggle with clarity of thought in actions. If you want to achieve success in personal and professional life , this NLP training can change your life completely. Thank you Rafi for being my NLP Guru...!!Meeting you for the first time, spending time with you, it did not feel like I met you for the first time...I felt that I had known you from before and it was nicer to have you in person...very few people you feel the instant connect/warmth and long bonding...I thank you once again for being there in my life today, tomorrow and forever....Loads of Love, Priyanka

Ritu Gaur, Noida, NCR
Senior Training Manager – Expedia, International NLP Trainer and ICF Certified PCC Level Coach
My journey with Rafi and Magic of Change started in October 2017 and I have to say that these 4 years has transformed me, in and out. Thank you so much Rafi for molding me, healing me, guiding me most importantly empowering me. It is a metamorphosis. Rafi is not just a trainer - he is a brother, a friend, a mentor and a person who will stand by you in your thick and thin. I have attended NLP Practitioner training with 2 other trainers before coming to Rafi. Others train you, but Rafi transcends you. After completing the Practitioners with Rafi and Magic of Change, I didn’t have to look back and I went on to complete my Master Practitioner and Train the trainer with Rafi. And that itself speaks volumes of his quality, skills and compassion as a trainer. I have been able to successfully leave my corporate job and start my career in training and coaching successfully, because Rafi was there to show me the path and he will help you discover the immense power that is hidden with you.

Dr. Vandana Jain, Mumbai
M.B.B.S, MD (Ophthalmology Gold Medalist, Stanford MBA, Harvard Research Fellow)
Some of the skills that I had learned with Rafi are beyond what I had experienced in Stanford and Harvard. I have done 3 levels of NLP training with Rafi. I have hugely benefited from each and every session with Rafi and the moments shared with him are priceless. Especially I was able to get over my tea addiction and get rid of my anger issue.He has got this special skill to bring an instant smile to anyone’s face which excites people to be in his presence. Each workshop of Rafi is unique in all aspects from the venues to the impactful stories he shares. You don’t realize that you are in a workshop because he does it with such passion and perfection. And the experience I had with Rafi in the Himalayas during the Beyond Mastery program was once in a lifetime experience and that program had an impact in every cell of my body. Rafi is not just a coach, he is a friend for life.