It is every entrepreneur’s dream to convert every enquiry from a customer. With a sound understanding of Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques, you may be closer to the goal than you imagine. Here are some ways to incorporate NLP into your sales pitch–when you are dealing with a prospective client.
In NLP, an individual can learn the process of rapport building by mirroring another person’s physiology and voice qualities. It is a proven fact that mirroring a prospect’s body language, mannerisms and words effectively builds trust. When selling a product at a physical store, over phone or chat, you can take cues directly from the prospect by reflecting and subtly matching their behaviour. However, there are chances that this may probably come off as strange or heavy-handed. But if you can do it discreetly, you will truly enhance your NLP sales efforts.
Anchoring is a powerful tool that can help an individual to have more confidence and enthusiasm when meeting new people. For people in sales, there is no way to dodge meeting new people. However, with NLP, people can regulate their feelings by creating a stimulus response pattern so that you can feel the way you want to in any given circumstance. Anchoring also refers to the process of reaccessing an ideal response by associating an internal response with an external or internal trigger.
In NLP, hypnosis is a crucial segment that allows us to explore the unexplored realms of the human mind. With hypnosis, we can access the altered states of minds to help us focus, relax and improve well-being and creativity. When compared to meditation, hypnosis is more directional and guides us towards something better. A salesperson can effectively use certain techniques of hypnosis to guide a client in making an informed purchase.
In sales, you may encounter different kinds of people, behaving differently to your service. With this NLP technique, you will be equipped to react to an undesirable trait or behaviour from a customer diplomatically. Moreover, you will also be able to confer a positive intention from the same. Reframing thus helps to describe a context with clarity.
Language plays a pivotal role in communication and in sales, it can’t be compromised at all. In NLP, the technique of using clean language is associated with compassion and empathy; the outcome of clean language can in turn help a salesperson to understand the deeper values and beliefs of a customer, where the customer is conducted with open-ended questions. By using clean language, we incorporate a consultative sales process instead of a pushy one.
It is a proven fact that using a sensory language attracts the minds of the listener. In NLP, using sensory engaging language is an effective technique that will encourage a prospect to visualise, hearing and imagining a scenario, so that they can actually experience it. Look for auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile , gustatory and kinesthetic words while dealing with a customer to drive your sales.
If you’re a burgeoning entrepreneur, you might be on the lookout for tips and tricks to boost your sales. We hope you’ll find these tips helpful.