Mo Farah is one of the world’s most celebrated English athletes and holds the British records for the 1500 m, 5000m and 10,000 m races. He holds four Olympic gold medals in this category and has won many more at the European championships and world championships. For the uninitiated, the story of Mo Farah will seem like an impossible figure–of bountiful charisma, talent and commitment. And if you’re someone who’s looking for inspiration to stay motivated and move forward, this might be your guy! And to make it better, we’ve collated five techniques that strongly resonate with the ideas of NLP. Read along.
In Mo’s words, “if you ain’t enjoying it, you wake up in the morning and you feel like you’re doing it just because people expect you to do it, then it’s not the right thing. You have to do it because you want to do it and still have the drive.” For a person who has been ‘running’ all his life, wouldn’t it get boring? But to him, it’s always been about making wholehearted attempts. Loving what you do makes life fulfilling, he says.
Nobody becomes great at something they do in a few days. It is constant practice and hard work that usually pay off in the end. Behind Mo’s successful races are days of practice: 7 days a week and racking up 135+ miles to be exact. Each day in his life starts early, usually with intense training sessions. Mo has put in the effort with fail because he knows that’s how he wins. It might not be easy or pleasurable to put in the work. But with a goal in your mind, it all adds up to those final 20 seconds or 30 seconds of joy and happiness that none can take away from you.
Everyone needs their zone, where they can be sure of capturing every inspiration and turning it into something worthy. In all our lives, there are moments of inspiration, when we feel a sudden urge to be productive. But what if it comes to us in the most unexpected moments? And usually, that is the case. However, if you dedicate time ad space where you can effectively translate and bring out inspiring experiences, we bet, that could be one of the best feelings in the world. And that’s exactly what Mo says too–blocking himself out to all the other things to get in his zone and do his thing!
According to Mo, we must work hard while finding ways to enjoy it. And that takes physical and mental determination. To keep getting better, there is no shortcut other than practice and hard work. And that’s grafting for you all.
It is for a reason that we say this at last. Mostly because it is only a byproduct of the work you’ve put in to achieve your goals. There might be times when the world tells you that you’ve achieved everything you could and that’s only the world’s way of limiting you or rather deceiving you. Despite having won several medals and accolades, Mo was convinced that he could do better and never stopped working towards his goals. And that, friends, is true determination behind making history.